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Sophie Elodie – curious HuCow

Sophie Elodie - curious HuCow

Can you believe it? I have Sophie Elodie in my barn! She was really curious about doing a session. Sophie is really cute, she loves bondage and submission, and her large udders have thick heavy steel rings pierced through her nipples. She’s perfect! I chained her nipple rings together and made her crawl to her pumping spot in the barn. I cuffed her hands behind her back and her neck to the milking frame. This first session was all about turning her ringed nipples into huge teats. This required a lot of oil and a lot of vacuum power, but her teats eventually filled the entire cups. Sophie was surprise at the speed and power, and I even gagged her so she could feel more objectified. I think she liked it a lot, she already asked me when the next session will be!
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Sophie Elodie - curious HuCow

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Sophie Elodie - curious HuCow

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