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DisciplinaryArts – Two Earned Spankings Pt 2

DisciplinaryArts – Two Earned Spankings Pt 2

In part 2, Yasmine sits her spanked bottom down as Christina gets ready for her punishment. Roxy takes the sarcastic Christina over her lap and wastes no time. Christina yelps as Roxys hard hand crashes down on her bare bottom. But before she can let Christina go, she decides to …

Gretas Training

Gretas Training

A Young Girl Taken From Innocents To Debauchery Greta is a sweet innocent looking tart with a penchant to explore her submissive emotions and venture into a cognitive state she barely understands. She is drawn by the aura and mystique of servitude, control and the feeling of helplessness in the …

Lady Alice – Strafe Muss Sein (2020)

Lady Alice – Strafe Muss Sein (2020)

Es hagelt Ohrfeigen, du wirst als Aschenbecher missbraucht, dein Schwanz und deine Eier erfreuen sich über schmerzvolle Tritte, die Faust deiner Göttin steckt bis zum Anschlag in deinem Arsch, du lutscht an ihren Absätzen und bettelst um einen Orgasmus, wenn du Looser doch nur könntest… denn Strafe muss sein!

Bondage Junkies – Hazel vs. The Forced Experiment

Bondage Junkies – Hazel vs. The Forced Experiment

As it had been a while since Hazel had visited, what better welcome back than denying her orgasms. If I’m honest, I didn’t expect her to last long but she has amazing determination. That’s the X factor that will make this experiment interesting. As a bonus, she’ll be putting a …

Infernal Restraints – Waisted Slut – Rita Rollins

Infernal Restraints – Waisted Slut – Rita Rollins

Expecting Rita Rollins to be the perfect submissive from the second she was in bondage may have been a bit lofty of a goal, but aiming high is how we give the best training to the slaves in our care. O.T. has simple instructions. Don’t whine, moan. Don’t cum until …