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Shiny Bound – The Pleasure Prisoner

Shiny Bound - The Pleasure Prisoner Shiny Bound - The Pleasure Prisoner

“So you wish to know concerning my weirdest sex-related encounter?. OK. Well, I was reading my publication as well as zoning out someday after work when I listened to something loud come from downstairs. It seemed like a door closing. I strolled down the stairways to check out, and also before I saw anything, I was gotten from behind. I battled and also attempted to get away, but he was too strong as well as his hand was over my nose as well as mouth. So I obtained light headed. When I ultimately opened my eyes once again, I remained in an odd place I had never been in the past. I was dressed in some sort of leotard one-piece suit and also I was strapped into a coat that had no holes in the sleeves for my hands. Also, I had these huge spiked heel boots on. As I came to, he ordered me once again and also drew my arms sideways as well as strapped them in place. I tried to call out for help, yet there was a bitter rubber round strapped in my mouth, so shouting was useless. He belted my legs together securely as well as connected everything to some sort of bedframe. All I know is that I could not relocate an inch afterwards. Then he left me there like that for regarding a fifty percent an hour. I tried to kick and also scream, yet it was no usage. When he returned in, he tightened everything down as well as informed me that I was his satisfaction detainee. He had strapped a vibrator securely in between my thighs which was when he transformed it on. I wriggled and also battled to escape it, however it was lodged in there really well and also the intense resonances were zapping my strength. He left me there like that for what appeared like hours. By the time he came back, I had orgasmed several times and also was exceptionally maddeningly sensitive in between. It was large torture. Finally, he came in and said he was leaving me there for the evening all tied up. I flipped out a bit as well as attempted my hardest to pull totally free, however I can still hardly relocate. The vibe was still gong solid as well as he pushed it further into my pussy, triggering me to climax once again immediately. After that he left me there, still humming away. Ultimately my pussy went numb as well as I was able to drop off for a bit. But when I again opened my eyes, it was mid-orgasm and the convulsions tore me from my sleep. Eventually he let me go. Already, I was worn completely and also delighted. He had drawn from me one of the most wonderful orgasms of my life and also it was in a hot place that I never ever intended to leave. I maintain hoping that he comes for me again and also takes me to that secret place.”.

Shiny Bound - The Pleasure Prisoner

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