Home / Spanking F/F / FirmHandSpanking – Lottie Lalay – Journey – H

FirmHandSpanking – Lottie Lalay – Journey – H

FirmHandSpanking - Lottie Lalay - Journey - H FirmHandSpanking - Lottie Lalay - Journey - H FirmHandSpanking - Lottie Lalay - Journey - H

A leather strap, a bouncing bare bottom and beautiful newbie Lottie Lalay
Here’s a unique insight to the world of spanking, as beautiful new model Lottie Lalay is introduced to a stinging leather strap in Journey of Discovery with Zoe Page. As the tawse is applied more vigorously to her bare bottom, Lottie’s smile fades and her skin reddens. Slow-motion replays reveal how the leather sinks into her cheeks and makes them ripple.

FirmHandSpanking - Lottie Lalay - Journey - H

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FirmHandSpanking - Lottie Lalay - Journey - H

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