Home / Spanking M/F / FirmHandSpanking – Belinda Lawson – The Institute – ZU

FirmHandSpanking – Belinda Lawson – The Institute – ZU

FirmHandSpanking - Belinda Lawson - The Institute - ZU FirmHandSpanking - Belinda Lawson - The Institute - ZU FirmHandSpanking - Belinda Lawson - The Institute - ZU

The noisy crack of a wooden paddle on Belinda’s bouncing bare bottom!
Someone has to test the effect of a wooden paddle as corporal punishment for students! Who better than bootylicious Belinda Lawson, hoisted onto Helen Stephens’ back for a blistering spanking with the Board of Education. What’s not to like about The Institute, as Mr Johnson goes to work on Belinda, stripped totally nude for the test.ouchie!

FirmHandSpanking - Belinda Lawson - The Institute - ZU

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