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SarahGregorySpanking – Two pranksters punished

SarahGregorySpanking - Two pranksters punished

Elori and Cherry think it is hilarious that they were actually able to pull off a prank on some of the teachers at their private school. They put saran wrap over the pan and as you can imagine, it wasn’t a pretty situation for the unfortunate teaching staff who were the “butt” of this childish joke. The Headmaster has called the two silly pranksters to his study to have a word with them about their pathetic behavior.

After a good scolding, they are each spanked in front of each other… first over their regulation school panties, then on their bare, exposed bottoms. Now they are not laughing anymore as he decides to really teach them both a lasting lesson with a caning. They are both given 6 firm strokes of the rod as the girls cry out in pain, feeling the nasty sting of rattan applied to their bare red cheeks. This is one prank that they will not repeat anytime soon in the future!

SarahGregorySpanking - Two pranksters punished

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